Responsible: Ângela Ferreira (
Location: University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)
Partners: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal), University of La Laguna (Spain), Cracow University of Technology (Poland), University of Zilina (Slovakia), Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
Credits: 6 ECTS
- Virtual component: from 27/02/2023 to 09/06/2023
- Physical component: from 12/06/2023 to 16/06/2023
- Sustainable low-carbon technologies in power system.
- Digitalization and sensoring of electrical networks.
- Power Systems Analysis: main components, including FACTS devices, their functionalities and models; power flow solutions.
- Smart microgrids operation and control.
- Energy Communities initiatives and legal frameworks.
- Blockchain in the context of SmartGrids