225 anniversary of Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen

04sep(sep 4)18:0005(sep 5)21:00225 anniversary of Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen

Event Details

On September 5th all STARS EU Rectors, Presidents and members of the Steering Committee will come together to celebrate the 225-year anniversary of Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen and participate in the Opening of the Academic year at Hanze. Her Majesty Queen Maxima of The Netherlands will be present in the Opening ceremony to open the new Academic Year.

The STARS EU partners will also discuss further development of STARS EU during the smooth start of the programme financed by European Commission under EUI call 2023.

You will soon find an report of this festive event under news.



4 (Monday) 18:00 - 5 (Tuesday) 21:00

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