STARS EU students complete an Erasmus+ BIP circular economy course at the University of La Laguna

STARS EU students complete an Erasmus+ BIP circular economy course at the University of La Laguna

Two days of working together, analysing what has been done…

STARS EU reviews at Bremen its first year of activity within the European Commission project

STARS EU reviews at Bremen its first year of activity within the European Commission project

Two days of working together, analysing what has been done…

Photo: Stella Dekker

Registration for the Staff Week about Healthy Ageing at Hanze is now open

There were meetings at the Law, Engineering, Communication,…

STARS EU kick off conference banner

Countdown to our kick-off conference in Trollhättan

We will meet at Sweden. Now is when the real work beguins!

Group picture of those involved at the Staff Week which took place last week at Bremen.

First STARS EU Blended Intensive Programmes start and Staff Week at HSB

A successful week full of work and meetings at the…

AI for medical purposes, one of the topics addressed in the Digital Transformation TIG Seminar

AI for medical purposes, one of the topics addressed in the Digital Transformation TIG Seminar

With this September seminar, all seven STARS EU TIG has…