
At STARS EU we conceive of universities as authentic engines of regional development, as creators of the transformative knowledge that society, industry and the productive sectors need to be able to innovate and advance. From our centres, we not only train citizens, but also empower students and professionals to fully contribute to the social, economic and cultural improvement of our environment. And all this with a critical vision and solid foundations: universities challenge the status quo and open doors to a dynamic and sustainable future.  We are inspired by the model of the European University, whose collaborative spirit is at the heart of our mission. This approach allows our partners to work together under a shared identity, while preserving their autonomy and ability to generate new initiatives. Because we firmly believe in the joining of forces, in complementarity and in synergies, and we recognize that together we can go further and faster.  Our vision is clear: to create co-creation environment, both physical and virtual, where the protagonists of innovation – our academic and students communities, business sectors and regional agents – can meet, dialogue, discover and build a more sustainable and responsible future.


The nine universities that make up STARS EU share the firm intention of becoming the benchmark for the European University, with a bold (long-term) vision that will transform the cooperation between our partner institutions. We want to take university collaboration to a new level, becoming a true accelerator of regional development through the establishment of solid alliances with key industries and sectors. Our aim is to create a European university based on innovative, flexible, diverse and challenge-based education and research systems, a university empowered to train a new generation of students capable of facing a future led by monitored and digitalised labour markets, and a changing and convulsive reality.

STARS EU contributes making  European higher education cooperation more effective

The STARS EU Alliance aims to enable deeper and more sustainable transnational cooperation among partner universities, to address the current challenges and ensure more effective implementation of joint educational programmes, research and innovation activities, pooling capacity and resources. STARS European University adopts and acts across all four missions of education, research, innovation and service to society, and intend to impact positively the society and regional ecosystems. The Alliance  contributes to  more effective implementation of joint educational and research activities, as well as of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna) tools, and to directly benefit the students to improve their skills and employability by getting easier access to modern and innovative transnational campus, and to transdisciplinary learning.


Our values

At STARS EU we believe that in order to face this uncertain future it is necessary to transform existing educational programs through:

  • The incorporation and promotion of European values
  • The use of innovative pedagogical approaches
  • The use of infrastructures and human capital
  • The development of interregional collaboration synergies that accelerate the green and digital transition
  • Validation of learning outcomes through short training periods

That is why, from our position of academic excellence, we will leverage every resource and shared experience to achieve a real and lasting impact. We will leverage the talent, innovation, and accumulated knowledge of our member institutions to generate effective solutions, enrich learning, and drive cutting-edge research. We share the desire to build universities without barriers, academic centers without walls or limits that project themselves to the outside world and can generate a greater social impact in education and research.

We seek to promote, by all means, the exchange of ideas and people who contribute, with their dedication and talent, in the fields of research and teaching, and we are firmly committed to:
  1. Challenge-Based Education
  2. Strategies that promote barrier-free education
  3. Active cooperation that strengthens the exchange of knowledge and resources 
  4. The highest quality standards in teaching, research, and innovation 
  5. Supporting a creative and flexible approach that promotes novel ideas and addresses global challenges
  6. The commitment to a more egalitarian and inclusive world 
  7. The unwavering commitment to sustainable development 
  8. Social and ethical responsibility to generate a positive social impact 
  9. Regional and international exchange that fosters academic mobility and cultural reciprocity
  10. The defense of freedom of thought and institutional autonomy
  11. Promoting continuous learning