Centre for Research in Basic Education (CIEB) - IPB
Scientific Area: Social Science.
EXPR: Education-general; including training, pedagogy, didactics.
Name of the service: Centre for Research in Basic Education (CIEB) – IPB.
Main responsible: Cristina Mesquita | Doctor | Scientific coordinator.
Category of the service: Research Centre.
Target group: Public and private basic education institutions.
Scientific refence:Â
Cristina Mesquita received her PhD in Science of Education – Children Studies by the University of Minho, Portugal, in which she defended the thesis “The Children’s Voice in Pedagogical Innovation”. She also received her Master’s in Science Education, area of specialisation in Teacher Education, from the University of Lisbon, where she defended the thesis “Learning to be a Teacher of Early Childhood Education: Theories and Practices”. She also has twelve years of experience as an early childhood education teacher, plus fifteen years of experience in higher education. She has been responsible for Childhood Pedagogy and Supervision in teachers’ training courses. She also has training in language didactics in early childhood education. Currently, she is a professor in the Social Sciences Department of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. She is the director of the Master of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. During her career, she authored several national and international publications focusing in education, praxeology and social and children pedagogy.
Offer description:
CIEB, the Centre for Research in Basic Education, is a research unit applied to the specificities of basic education, understood as a fundamental basis for learning and the development of societies.
The CIEB is centred on a holistic vision of education that articulates the curriculum, the initial and ongoing training of teachers and educators, collaborative work with contexts, pedagogy and specific didactics, and applied research, with the aim of promoting innovation and the quality of students’ learning and the development of professionals.
The mission stemming from this vision of education is to develop pedagogical intervention projects centred on cooperative support for the learning of students and their families, promoting their educational and social success through training and collaborative work with professionals, and building and developing a systematised body of technical-scientific knowledge that can be used as a reference and fundamental basis for designing, implementing and evaluating intervention projects/programmes and educational change.
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