Classroom Lab
Scientific Area: Social Science.
EXPR: Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics.
Name of the service: Classroom Lab.
Main responsible: Branka RUPIC, design engineer, instructional designer.
Category of the service: Technological service.
Target group: Academic teaching and learning, educational research: school leaders, teachers, teacher educators and researchers.
Scientific refence:
The Lab Class offers opportunities to investigate and evaluate the collaborative nature of learning through research programs conducted in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté laboratories. The Lab Class is also meant to foster the professional development of teachers and trainers thanks to the audiovisual equipment that promotes reflexive analysis of professional practices. It is part of two european networks , the Future Classroom Lab (primary and secondary education) and the Learning Lab Network (higher education). It is also an inspirational learning environment for the regional network of Open Labs.
Offer description:
Located in the Higher Institute for Teaching and Education in Besançon, the platform has a surface area of 117m2, divided into three spaces : the classroom area, the audiovisual control room, and a collaborative workspace. The classroom area and the collaborative workspace were designed as Active Learning Spaces (Temple, 2008). They are equipped with mobile furniture, touchscreens, beam telepresence robot, Ipads, charging and management cart, green screen, video cameras, microphones, audio and video control systems/area. The spatial and digital configuration of the Lab Class, which is user-friendly and quickly adptable, promotes engagement, production, creativity, and interactions within a classroom group. Teachers and trainers benefit from pedagogigal support to foster active learning in collaboration. The observation lab or control room, dedicated to reflective analysis, strenghtens the links between research and training.
Contact Form
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