Computer specialist-CUT
Scientific Area: Natural & Sciences.
EXPR: Statistics and probability-Computer sciences (Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence).
Name of the service: Computer specialist-CUT.
Main responsible: Joanna Kołodziej, PhD, DSC (PhD with Habilitation), Professor.
Category of the service: Research group.
Target group: All institutions need the analyse and transfer the various types of data with the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methods.
Scientific refence:
List of selected publications: https://dblp.org/pid/08/5515.html H-index: 39Â (in Google Scholar). ORCID: 0000-0002-5181-8713.
Track chair and IPC member of 60+ top conferences including IEEE IPDPS 2012-2023, IEEE WICT 2011. GECCO 2014-23, CCGRID 2016-2024, SC-2020-2024.
Prof. Kołodziej coordinated and participated in several international and national projects incl. cHiPSet Cost Action IC1406 (PI), PANELFIT H2020, GUARD H2020, EU Digital4Security.
Offer description:
The main areas of my current activities are data processing and analysis with machine learning and artificial intelligence methods, and cybersecurity. Having deep experience in project evaluation (national and international level – and expert in H2020, Digital Europe, Horizon Europe, ERC, ChistEra, and COST programmes), I may serve as proposal and pre-proposal evaluator. Working as a member of the Committees of the international HQ conferences and as Associate and Area Editor in 6 Q1 journals (inc. ACM Computing Surveys and IEEE Transactions on Services Computing), I may help increase the dissemination level of the project results. I also have some practical experience in the implementation of the results of EU projects I am/was involved in.
Contant Form
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