Structural materials- CUT
Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.
EXPR: Civil engineering.
Name of the service: Structural materials- CUT.
Main responsible: Izabela HAGER, Profesor, Head of Chair.
Category of the service: Research group.
Target group: R&D groups, industry, public bodies.
Scientific refence:
Academic interests and research focus on structural materials: manufacturing and service performances, development of innovative and sustainable new building materials like geopolymers, thin layer composites textile concretes, 3D printed materials and concretes for special application previous concrete. Research issues are related to the durability of building materials, in particular at temperature (concrete spalling – testing and prevention).
Professor at CUT. Head of Chair of Building Materials Engineering. Senior Member of the RILEM Committees. PhD – Ăcole Nationale des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es.Â
Coordination for numerous international and national projects with an extensive research network. Â
NAWA WELCOME TO POLAND MATBUD’2023 –Â BPI/WTP/2021/1/00002, (2022-2023) â role: project leader.
M-ERA.NET Call 2021 GEOSUMAT: âMaterials for circular economy â industrial waste based geopolymers composites with hybrid reinforcementâ. Lider – Arctic University of Norway (Norwegia), Gerosion (Islandia), Cracow University of Technology CUT, Specjalistyczne PrzedsiÄbiorstwo GĂłrnicze GĂłrtech Sp.z o.o. (Polska), BabeÈâBolyai University (Rumunia), Czech Technical University in Prague (Republika Czeska), CHEMSTR â Ć afaĆĂk (Republika Czeska), ReforceTech AS (Norwegia) (2021-2023) â role: project investigator.
SMART-G Smart geopolymers, ERA-MIN 2 (Call 2019). Conortium Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgia, University of Aveiro, Portugalia; Cracow University of Technology CUT, IESL/FORTH Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Heraklion, Grecja; ResourceFull, Leuven, Belgia; MNLT Innovations GP, Research and Development, Athens, Grecja; PrzedsiÄbiorstwo Budowlano-Produkcyjne, ĆÄgprzem Sp. z o.o, KrakĂłw, Polska; Mytilineos S.A. Athens, Grecja. Role- NCBiR project leader.
PPI/APM/2018/1/00027 EMMAT E-mobility and sustainable materials and technologies, Coordinator of the International Academic Partnership project financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) 23 partner organisations from 18 countries.
Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on fire spalling assessment during standardised fire resistance tests: complementary guidance and requirements. Published: Feb 2024 in Materials and Structures . DOI: 10.1617/S11527-023-02248-Z.
Energy-Efficient Mixtures Suitable for 3D Technologies Published: Apr 2024 in Applied Sciences DOI: 10.3390/APP14073038.
Foaming and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Pastes Manufactured from Post-Metallurgical Recycled Slag Published: Mar 2024 in Materials DOI: 10.3390/MA17061449.
Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on fire spalling assessment during standardised fire resistance tests: complementary guidance and requirements Published: Feb 2024 in Materials and Structures DOI: 10.1617/S11527-023-02248-Z 0 .
Mechanical Properties and Water Permeability of Textile-Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete with Lightweight Aggregate Published: Dec 2023 in Materials DOI: 10.3390/MA16247619.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2852-8934.
Scopus Author ID: 55386631800.
ResearcherID: B-1497-2013.
SciProfiles: 796653.
Offer description:
I encourage you to cooperate with my team. We carry out research projects in the field of building materials engineering. We have research potential and infrastructure enabling the development of new mineral materials, testing their properties and durability features. As for students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, CUT offers a full curriculum of subjects taught in English for the first and second cycles. We provide exciting topics for PhDs and research internships. We work scientifically in international teams implementing R&D projects. We have experience in proposal writing and implementing projects. We are the organizers of the cyclical MATBUD conference on building materials engineering.
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