Design Research and Innovation Group (GID) - ULL
Scientific Area: Arts, Art history.
Name of the service: Design Research and Innovation Group (GID) – ULL.
Main responsible: Alfonso Ruiz rallo, Carlos Jiménez and Bernardo Candela Álvarez, Professors of the Department of Fine Arts.
Category of the service: Research group.
Target group: Industry, public bodies.
Scientific refence:
78 publicaciones y contribuciones a congresos de los miembros del grupo de investigación, algunos relacionados con Economía Circular:
Research projects led by group members in recent years years:
1. VisUaLL | Transmission of the scientific production of the ULL linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through the design of visual communication: analysis and generation of products, processes and services in the lines of Climate Action and Underwater Life (SDG 13 and 14). (Agustín de Betancourt 2019-2023).
2. SEASTORE. Conservation and restoration of Cymodocea nodosa meadows. A key tool in the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the mitigation, adaptation and resilience to climate change. (Marine Bio 2021-2022).
Offer description:
The group’s experience covers the following topics: Signage, Editorial Graphics, Packaging Design, Motion Graphics, Ecodesign, Design for social transformation and local development, Participatory Design, Social Innovation, Universal Design, Graphic Facilitation, Strategic Design, Design and Innovation Policies, Design for Tourism, Design Management, Design Thinking, Theory and History of Design.
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