AI for medical purposes, one of the topics addressed in the Digital Transformation TIG Seminar

AI for medical purposes, one of the topics addressed in the Digital Transformation TIG Seminar

With the seventh seminar by the different Thematic Interest Groups (TIG’s) in the series by the STARS EU Alliance, all TIG’s have now presented themselves and their work. On background of the TIG, activities going on and what is being planned for the future.

As almost all our activities in society today are influenced by the Digital Transformation this TIG is broad in content and offers many possibilities on knowledge creation and collaborations. Regardless of the area of interest. The seminar put forward suggestions on studies to be made as different as AI-tools to improve detection of irregularities within medicine and how to in a structured way overcome the digital literacy.

Several of other TIG’s in the STARS EU alliance participated in the seminar and lively discussions on different collaborations and joint initiatives were held.

The recording of this seminar is now available online: