ENGAGED partners sign for long term alliance

ENGAGED partners sign for long term alliance

​Six progressive higher education institutions (HEIs) which will establish the European ENGAGED University will sign an outline agreement on Wednesday December 2 2020. This formalises the alliance to start a new kind of university in Europe. The main goal of which to prepare students for the future economy.


Engaged in the region and beyond

The partners are all universities or institutions which are very involved in their region and beyond. They want to contribute to a sustainable future and resilient economy and are driven by societal challenges. All of them work closely together with divers stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, small and bigger companies, governmental institutions, and civic society organisations.

The official settlement of the alliance took place virtually during the online commission meeting on Wednesday December 2 2020 hosted by lead partner Hanze UAS.


The partners are Hanze University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland), Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania).