Heterogeneous Catalysis (CAHE) - ULL
Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.
EXPR: Petroleum engineering, (fuel, oils), Energy and fuels, Environmental biotechnology related ethics, Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock): biomaterials, bioplastics, bio fuels, bio-derived bulk and fine chemicals.
Name of the service: Heterogeneous Catalysis (CAHE) – ULL.
Main responsible: Candela DĂaz GarcĂa, Full Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology Pharmaceutical Laura DĂaz RodrĂguez, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Technology.
Category of the service:Â Research group.
Target group: Industry.
Scientific refence:
61 publications and contributions to conferences by members of the research group.
Research projects led by group members in recent years:
1. ACLIEMAC. Adaptation to climate change of the energy systems of Macaronesia. (INTERREG 2019-2023).
2. 2019SP46. Circular economy in the energy use of waste from the sector primary agricultural and livestock farming. ECAEP (Cajacanarias 2019-2023).
3. ENERMAC. MAC/1.1.a/117. Renewable energies and energy efficiency for development sustainable development of West Africa and the islands of Macaronesia (INTERREG 2017-2021).
4. Optimization of the biodiesel production process from the energy cultivation of Milletia. Energy recovery from waste (AgustĂn de Betancourt 2017-2023).
5. EYR02. VERB. Recovery of waste from an energy point of view. Biofuels (Cajacanarias 2014-2017).
Offer description:
The replacement of so-called fossil or traditional fuels with fuels derived from biomass or biofuels is of vital importance nowadays because they are alternative fuels, they are sources of renewable energy, an instrument to combat environmental deterioration and a factor in the development of agriculture. and derived industries. In recent years, part of the research in this field has focused its attention on microscopic organisms, such as microalgae. However, its viability is compromised by the need to develop specific technologies for processing, from cultivation to storage, and the optimization of all stages of the process of obtaining biofuels so that the energy and economic balances are favorable. The Heterogeneous Catalysis Research Group of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of La Laguna has been working for years in the field of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis. In the last decade it has been applying its experience in the development of heterogeneous catalytic materials, the use of energy crops such as Jatropha curcas and microalgae, or the use of waste such as residual frying oil, all of them to obtain biodiesel. It has also focused its interest on the use of plant waste to obtain biogas and CO2, the latter being a raw material for obtaining bio-dimethyl ether (bio-DME) or a carbon source in the cultivation of microalgae.
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