
Industrial Work-integrated learning (HV)

Scientific Area: Social Science.


Name of the service: Industrial Work-integrated learning (HV).

Main responsible: Anna-Karin Olsson – Associate Professor.

Category of the service: Research group.

Target group: Business/Industry.

Scientific refence:

– Haj-Bolouri, A. (2022). The Experience of Immersive Virtual Reality: A Phenomenology Inspired Inquiry. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52, pp-pp. 16
– AndersĂ©n J. (2023) Green resource orchestration: A critical appraisal of the use of resource orchestration in environmental management research, and a research agenda for future study Business Strategy and The Environment.
– Olsson, A.K., Eriksson, K.M. and Carlsson, L. (2024), Management toward Industry 5.0: a coworkership approach on digital transformation for future innovative manufacturing, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
– Walter, L. & Styhre, A. (2013) The role of organizational objects in construction projects: the case of the collapse and restoration of the Tjörn Bridge, Construction Management and Economics, 31:12, 1172-1185.

Offer description:

The focus of the thematic area is on requirements, in the form of both qualification requirements and skills, the digital development, increased demands for more sustainable production systems and changing demographic conditions, places on management, learning and organizational change. Society is undergoing extensive structural changes, driven by rapid digital development, the need for more sustainable production methods and changes in demographics. This creates demands on how organizations are formed and create sustainable work environments, as well as the new qualification and competence requirements that these changes entail for leadership, learning, and organizational development. The research examines how digitalization affects organizations’ opportunities for learning and production processes. It also examines how the demands for leadership, learning and organizational change are affected by these changes, as well as the understanding of the global climate transition and its demands for green investments and sustainable work.

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