Materials Technology in Architecture and Construction (TemarCon) - ULL
Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.
EXPR: Construction engineering.
Name of the service: Materials Technology in Architecture and Construction (TemarCon) – ULL.
Main responsible: Eduardo González DĂaz, Full Professor of Engineering Department.
Category of the service:Â Research group.
Target group: Industry.
Scientific refence:
246 publications and conference contributions by members of the research group.
Research projects led by members of the group over the last few years:
1. 2021ECO5. GreenH2&ITSOFC: Materials for green Hydrogen production by water splitting and for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. (IT-SOFC). (CajaCanarias 2022-2025).
1. PROID2021010027. MAGEC REEmounts: Materials for power generation, catalysis and artificial photosynthesis in the Canary Islands and exploration of rare earths in subaerial carbonatites and seamounts. (DGU 2021-2023).
Offer description:
This research group is in the field of materials with technological applications within a more general field oriented towards major challenges such as the improvement of social welfare and efficient and sustainable energy models.
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