The Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition

Migrations (MIGRA) - ULL

Scientific Area: Social Science.

EXPR: Cultural and Economic geography, Inmigration.

Name of the service: Migrations (MIGRA) – ULL.

Main responsible: Vicente Manuel Zapata Hernández, Full Professor of the Department of Geography and History.

Category of the service: Research group.

Target group: Public bodies; Inmigration agencies; Inmigrants associations; NGOs.

Scientific refence: 

145 publications and contributions to conferences by members of the research group.


Selected papers on inmigration:

1. La discriminación de las personas inmigrantes: más que aporofobia.

DocumentaciĂłn social, NĂşm. 13.

2. La participación comunitaria, clave para una isla con rumbo La Palma: una isla de oportunidades: repensando el futuro a partir de la crisis volcánica.

(FundaciĂłn FYDE-CajaCanarias), pp. 187-197.

3. In private hands? the markets of migration control and the politics of outsourcing.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 48, NĂşm. 7, pp. 1610-1628.

4. Island border regions on the routes of irregular maritime migration. The Canary Islands.

(Spain) in the transit of African migration to Europe.

Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, Vol. 30, NĂşm. 64, pp. 43-58.

5. La integración laboral y social de las personas migrantes en Canarias: convergencia a la baja Mediterráneo económico, Núm. 36, pp. 73-91.

6. Las regiones insulares fronterizas en las rutas de la migración marítima irregular: Las Islas Canarias (España) en el tránsito africano hacia Europa.

Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana: REMHU, Vol. 30, NĂşm. 64.

Offer description:

The leader of this research group is the geographer Vicente Zapata, PhD , currently carrying out his professional activity as a professor of Human Geography at the University of La Laguna, an entity in which he also direct the Cultural Classroom of Cultural Tourism. Director of the Tenerife Immigration Observatory and the projects ‘Together in the same direction’, ‘Neighborhoods for Employment’ and ‘ICI-Taco’ (Intercultural Community Intervention), all of them have profiles on Facebook, among others. 

He has collaborated with the Universitat Jaume I in accompanying the rural development process for almost twenty years. 

The main lines of work of the reserach groyup  are related to international migrations and processes of integration and social coexistence, territorial development considering its multiple approaches with special attention to the community, and thematic hiking within the framework of active tourism activities. 

Members of the group  teach classes in the degrees of Geography and Territorial Planning and Tourism, as well as in various postgraduate courses linked to regional development, tourism management and planning, socio-community mediation and cultural heritage.

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