The Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition

Research Centre for Built Environment - HUAS

Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.

EXPR: Civil engineering-Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics.

Name of the service: Research Centre for Built Environment – HUAS.

Main responsible: Leading dean is Dorothea van de Meulen Professor that is representing Research Centre for the Built Environment in STARS EU is dr. Elles Bulder, professor Living environment in Transition.

Category of the service: Research center.

Target group: The professors of our research centre focus on stakeholders from the quintuple helix: government, businesses, NGO’s, knowledge centres including education, citizens and ecosystems. Our prime focus is on the Northern Netherlands but we are all also involve.

Scientific refence:

Her research focusses on the interactions between humans and their living environment (=liveability) given the major transitions of our time. The perceived quality of life in neighbourhoods, villages and regions, is central to this as is broad welfare som

Offer description:

NoorderRuimte, Research Centre for Built Environment, performs practice-oriented research into the built environment of the Northern Netherlands. We focus on the themes earthquakes, liveability, sustainability, and health and wellbeing. As a partner in research projects we can add practice-oriented research into the built environment of the Northern Netherlands with a focus on themes like earthquakes, liveability, sustainability, and health and wellbeing. All from a rural and an urban context and from the point of view of stakeholders from the quintuple helix like government, businesses, NGO’s, knowledge centres including education, citizens and ecosystems.

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