The Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition

Water Treatment and Reuse (TyRA) - ULL

Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.

EXPR: Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics, Industrial biotechnology, bioprocessing technologies (industrial processes relying on biological agents to drive the process) biocatalysis, fermentation.

Name of the service Water Treatment and Reuse (TyRA) – ULL.

Main responsible: Luisa Maria Vera Peña, Full Professor of the Department of Engineering Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology.

Category of the service: Research group.

Target group: Industry, public bodies.

Scientific refence:

116 publicaciones y contribuciones a congresos de los miembros del grupo de investigaciĂłn.


Research projects led by members of the research group in recent years.

PID2021-125404OB-I00. Non-integrated membrane bioreactors with cultivation of indigenous indigenous microalgae for regeneration and resource recovery from domestic wastewater (MEC Challenges 2030).

Domestic wastewater resources (SCM Challenges 2022-2025).

2021ECO18. MARTEN. Microplastics in domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Tenerife: Preliminary study of the retention/removal capacity in different.

Retention/removal capacity at different treatment stages (CajaCanarias 2022-2025).

RTI2018-093736-B-I00. Integration of membrane and phototrophic processes for the recovery of resources present in domestic wastewater (RETOS MEC 2018-2022).

2017REC25. Regeneration of marine and coastal spaces in the Canary Islands by applying membrane filtration to wastewater (CajaCanarias 2018-2021).

Development of advanced technological alternatives for the demineralisation of groundwater in volcanic terrain (AgustĂ­n de Betancourt 2017-2019).

Offer description:

The water sector needs a paradigm shift from a focus on water treatment and supply, collection and from focusing on the treatment and supply of water, the collection and treatment of wastewater to meet discharge limits, and the processing of the wastes from these operations, to focus on integrated management that waste from these operations, and to focus instead on integrated management that enables a circular water economy with minimal emissions. This change of vision means that the traditional “wastewater treatment plants” are now seen as “water resource recovery and regeneration centres”. From a technological point of view, new developments developments should focus on process intensification, resource recovery and the design of systems that resource recovery and the design of systems that allow high effluent qualities with minimum of emissions, or even achieving carbon neutrality. 

Examples of such new technologies include advanced anaerobic digestion processes, such as advanced anaerobic digestion processes developed in membrane bioreactors, the biological removal of nutrients by means of granular biomass (a process commercially known as Nereda®), the removal of ammonium by partial nitrification followed by a partial nitrification following an anammox process or photobiological systems, based on microalgae and cyanobacteria.

Microalgae can remove nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter from wastewater and transform it into biomass. In this regard, the joint use of bacteria and microalgae for wastewater treatment has recently attracted the attention of many researchers. Microalgae-based wastewater treatments have emerged in recent years as a potential substitute for conventional treatments, due to their economic and environmental sustainability. 

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