Work-integrated learning (HV)
Scientific Area: Social Science.
EXPR: Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics.
Name of the service: Work-integrated learning (HV).
Main responsible: Ulrika Lundhh Snis, Professor.
Category of the service: Research group.
Target group: Education, Business, Industry.
Scientific refence:
– Ludvig Sunnemark, Fredrik Sunnemark, Karl Dahlquist, Emil Gahnström, Per Assmo & Laurence Piper (2024) Bridging theory and practice through Work-Integrated Learning (WIL): critical perspectives on the conceptualisations of WIL at a university in Sweden, Critical Studies in Education, 65:4, 403-420, DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2023.2294462
– Björck, V., & Willermark, S. (2024). Where is the the ‘WIL’ in Work-integrated Learning Research? Studies in Continuing Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037x.2024.2378718
– Svensson, A., Lundh Snis, U., & Bernhard, I. (2024). Special issue guest editorial: Perspectives on sustainable learning and organizing, part one. Learning Organization, 31(3), 293–298. https://doi.org/10.1108/tlo-04-2024-305
– Eklund, A., & Skyvell Nilsson, M. (2024). Program coordinators’ perspectives on implementing a transition program for newly graduated nurses : a qualitative interview study. Journal of Health Organization & Management, 38(9). https://doi.org/10.1108/jhom-01-2023-0018
– Eriksson, K. M., Carlsson, L., & Olsson, A. K. (2024). Exploring Socially Sustainable, Smart Manufacturing: Building Bridges Over Troubled Waters. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38165-2_96
Offer description:
Work-integrated learning (WIL) is continuously and strategically developed for the renewal of scientific knowledge that focuses on the relationship between working life and learning. Based on contemporary and future problems and societal challenges, research is made relevant and that it can make a difference more quickly. Internationally, there are different views on what is and should be the subject of research on work-integrated learning. In the Anglo-Saxon WIL perspective, research is focused on the relationship between student-university-employer and should rather be seen as work-integrated education rather than work-integrated learning. At University West there is an inclusive and unique view of WIL that consists of a mix of the Anglo-Saxon WIL perspective with a focus on student learning, Work-integrated education and the Workplace learning perspective. The definition of WIL is set out as an interdisciplinary postgraduate subject with connections primarily to the social sciences and humanities. The subject is defined by the fact that problems are focused on the relationship between working life and learning. Working life is defined broadly and also includes forms other than traditional paid work. The term learning is understood in a broad sense and includes change and socialization processes linked to knowledge and competence. The WIL research group consists of researchers, doctoral students and students who are part of research and education connected to WIL. The research group is interdisciplinary where researchers with a multidisciplinary background come together, primarily from the social sciences and humanities. The exchange of knowledge and collaboration with other social actors and universities in Sweden and internationally is central. These create conditions for research collaboration and invite transdisciplinary working methods to develop in-depth knowledge of WIL, regionally and globally. The Swedish name for the research group is KAM AIL, while the English name for the research group is CIWIL (Current Issues in Work-Integrated Learning).
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