
Centre for the Development and Transfer of Water Technology – IPB/AquaValor

Scientific Area: Natural & Sciences.


Name of the service: Centre for the Development and Transfer of Water Technology – IPB/AquaValor.

Main responsible: Maria José Alves, PhD, Executive Director.

Category of the service: Research group.

Target group: Local authorities, public institutions, Private companies, Research Centers, Research organizations.

Scientific refence: 

Web of Science Researcher ID: M-6624-2016
ORCID: 0000-0001-8506-4393
Scopus Author ID: 16400584800
Description: Maria José Alves is the Executive Director of AquaValor since 2019 and the President of the Superior School of Hotel Business and Well Being, part of Bragança Polytechnic University, since 2022. She is currently coordinating 15 national funded projects and is a member of 19 national and international projects. Published a total of 95 documents and has over 636 citations, under an h index of 32.
Book chapters:
– Garcia et al (2023)
– Oliveira et al (2023)
– Silva et al (2023)
– Slezakova et al (2023)
Research papers:
– Plasencia et al (2023)
– Roriz et al (2023)
– Silva et al (2023)
– Shiraishi et al (2023)
– Albuquerque et al (2023)
Research projects:
– AQUAPRED “System for the control and prevention of pollutants in mineral-medicinal waters by means of AI”, Interreg Sudoe – Call Sudoe 2021-2027, S1/1.1/E0056.
– ORALTHERM “Oral health through thermal water”, FUNDAÇÃO LA CAIXA – Projetos I&D Mobilizadores.
– WOODLANDFUNGI “Valorisation and Sustainability of Barroso’s Wild Mushrooms”, FUNDAÇÃO LA CAIXA – Projetos-Piloto Inovadores.

Offer description:

AquaValor is prepared to perform a set of R&D activities:
– R&D activities to scientifically validate the effects of waters in the therapeutic area but also in the area of well-being through studies carried out on site (thermal spas and their users) and on consumers of bottled mineral waters.
– R&D activities in healthy eating through the use of mineral water in the development of beverages and/or functional foods; the evaluation of mineral water’s properties as a food preservative; the evaluation of the diuretic and detoxifying effects of hydrotherapy; the evaluation of the effect of hydrotherapy together with a healthy and balanced diet plan, allowing spas to be included in health promotion programmes.
– R&D activities in thermal cosmetics through the study of the bioactivity of mineral waters (e.g. antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, among others).
– R&D activities in geothermalism in thermal spaces and nature tourism, among other areas that may be defined in the future. There will also be a space dedicated to co-creation activities with companies and other stakeholders, with a view to identifying, generating and developing new opportunities collaboratively and cooperatively.
Overall, AquaValor is experienced in R&D projects through funding from national (Portugal2030, COMPETE2030) and international sources (Fundación La Caixa, SUDOE, POCTEP) acting in multidisciplinary consortiums with private companies, public institutions, research organizations and others.

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