Environmental monitoring SUO
Scientific Area: Engineering and Technology.
EXPR: Environmental monitoring.
Name of the service: Environmental monitoring SUO.
Main responsible: Doc. Ing.. Miloš Zapletal, Dr.
Category of the service: Technological service.
Target group: Municipalities, public institutions.
Scientific refence:
One of the areas of focus of the Institute of Physics in Opava, both in its study offer and scientific activities, is environmental monitoring. As part of this activity, the institute has been involved in the unique European project CLAIRO since 2018. The project includes innovative planting of greenery that is capable of capturing air pollutants, especially dust particles, in the long term. As a result, this vegetation could be an important natural filter for air pollution in the future.
Offer description:
by individual agreement.
Contact Form
“This service is part of a much larger catalogue that we have at your disposal. If you would like to make an enquiry about this particular service, or any related service, please fill in the contact form on our website“.