The Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition

Genomics and Health (GESALUD) - ULL

Scientific Area: Medical and Health Sciences.

EXPR: Genetics.

Name of the service Genomics and Health (GESALUD) – ULL.

Main responsible: Principal researcher: MarĂ­a del Mar del Pino Yanes, Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology and Genetics.

Category of the service: Research group.

Target group: Medical services; Health reserachers.

Scientific refence:

146 publications and contributions to conferences by members of the research group.


Research projects led by group members in recent years:

1. PID2021-123080NB-I00. Exploring the effects of insularity and isolation on human populations through the use of paleogenomic techniques: the case of El Hierro and the bimbapes.

2. PID2021-127493OB-C21. Technological tools for the control of systemic and intracellular trafficking of lipid-polymeric nanoparticles.

3. MICAS. Association between haze and microbiome viodiversity in asthmatic patients.

4. PID2020-116274RB-I00. Integrative omics approach to assess the role of DNA methylation in asthma exacerbations.

5. RTI2018-097324-B-I00. Oligonucleotides in hybrid nanosystems for locally and systemically targeted therapies.

6. 2018PATRI06. New tools for old questions: Study of the Canarian aboriginal population using cutting-edge genomic technologies.

7. SAF2017-83417-R. Search for genetic markers related to asthma exacerbations: genomic association study and respiratory microbiome analysis.

8. Development of rapid molecular diagnosis tools for infections of the Central Nervous System.

Offer description:

The  research focuses on analyzing the genetic basis of asthma, studying the genetic factors involved in exacerbations and response to treatment, combining genome-wide association studies, admixture mapping and massive sequencing. In recent years, the gropu leader  has led the pharmacogenomics analyzes of the Pharmacogenomics in Childhood Asthma (PiCA) consortium, funded by a project as PI of the Carlos III Health Institute (AC150015) within the ERA-Net EraCoSysMed Horizon 2020. In addition, it has established a new cohort to evaluate the role of human genome and microbiome variation in asthma exacerbations, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICIN SAF2017-83417-R). Recently he has expanded his line of research to additional omics approaches (transcriptomics and epigenomics), through a MICIN project (PID2020-116274RB-I00).

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