The European Commission considers open science a policy priority and the standard working method in its research and innovation funding programs. The EU's Open Science policy aims to improve research quality, efficiency, and responsiveness by sharing knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process. In the STARS EU alliance, we are aware of the importance of making the results of our research publicly available to enhance knowledge transfer, contribute to regional development, and improve the dissemination of our activities.  For this purpose, a standard open data repository for the alliance has been set up, where all the data from our research projects are available, which is compliant with the FAIR principles.  The FAIR principles, which stand for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, were published in 2016 to provide guidelines for improving the management and stewardship of scientific data.

The STARS EU common Open Data Repository (ODR) aims to create a public space where the research projects and initiatives of the STAR EU alliance can be shared according to these FAIR principles. The ODR was created in April 2024 in Zenodo as a community that will host the open data from all partners for the alliance's projects and gradually incorporate the legacy data from other projects of interest from each partner already publicly available in different repositories.
  • Zenodo is compliant with the FAIR principles
  •  It is free and completely open
  •  All metadata data is openly available under a CCO license, and the content is accessible through open APIs.
  • It accepts any file format and both positive and negative results. Moreover, it does not impose format, size, access restrictions, or license requirements.
  •  Registering, either as an administrator to curate and manage data in a community or as a researcher to upload your data, is very easy and can be done using GitHub, ORCID, or OpenAIRE credentials.
  • Plenty of information and tutorials are available on how to upload/curate the data
  • As part of OpenAIRE, it will be easier to integrate the community in OpenAIRE CONNECT to upgrade the
  • common ODR and make it part of a comprehensive site that includes all alliance research results, not only the data.
  • Finally, many researchers from the alliance's different universities already have their data in Zenodo, facilitating their progressive inclusion in the community

URL for the ODR