The partner HEIs teachers’ and researchers’ communities focus on three common priority areas, through joint research and educational activities. Each partner HEI is located in a non-capital European region, and contributes to implementation of the regional smart specialization strategy (S3).The nine regions under consideration are: Västra Götaland, Portugal Norte, Noord-Nederland, Bremen, Malopolskie,Canarias, Moravian-Silesian, Bourgogne-Franche-ComtĂ©,  Albania. STARS EU aims to capitalize on the partner regional strengths, but also to identify needs for academic support to skills and knowledge development, as well as opportunities for innovation regarding regional transitions, through a cross-sectoral interregional approach, building on the partner HEIs’ strengths. Starting from the S3 as place-based approaches, the STARS EU partners build on the assets and resources available in each partner region and on their specific socio-economic challenges, in order to focus on the opportunities for cross-sectoral and inter regional approaches to address the STARS EU priority areas and efficiently connect. An in-depth assessment of the S3 of the partners’ hosting regions has been carried out and can be found at here

Regional identities compared

General sources: Eurostat or S3 CoP Observatory + regional statistic services or input from partnersRed text: level of report into the S3 CoP Observatory

Region Area km2 Population Population per km2 GDP (million EUR) GDP per capita (EUR) Employment rate (%) age group 15-64
Västra Götaland N3 28.778 1.744.859 60,6 50.214 28.778 69***
Terras de Trás-os-Montes N3 5.543  84.253 15,2 1.332 15.810 ??
Portugal Norte N2 21.287 3.587.882 168,5 64.709 21.200 70,7
Groningen N2 2.960 596.000 201,3 25.636 37.500 80,0
Noord-Nederland N1 9.082 1.741.932 191,8 64.656 63.200 ??
Bremen N1 (according to S3 CoP Observatory) 420 676.463 1 610,6 34.369 46.469 70,2
Malopolskie N2 15 .08 3.430.370 227,0 47.231 23.000 68,8
Canarias N2 7.447 2.252.237 302,4 42.656 20.100 59,1
Moravian-Silesian N2 5.427* 1.189.674* 219,2 21.184 23.600 72,9
Franche-Comté N2 16.202 1.179.601 72,8 32.524 25.300 70,6
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté N1 48.062 2.800.000 58,2 81.711 29.258 ??
Albania** 28 748 2 761 785 96,1 17 500? 4 023 67,1

*source: Wikipedia **source: UAMD + Instat Albania  ***age group 15-74