White Hole Observatory Opava (WHOO!) SUO
Scientific Area: Natural & Sciences.
EXPR: Astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
Name of the service: White Hole Observatory Opava (WHOO!) SUO.
Main responsible: RNDr. Tomáš Gráf, Ph.D.
Category of the service: Robotic observatory.
Target group: Students, public (astronomical observations on the terrace of the observatory).
Scientific refence:
The laminate dome of the observatory has a diameter of 3.2 metres and from 2022 it houses a 450 mm diameter, f/3.8 Newtonian telescope mounted on a direct-drive parallactic mount with 26-bit absolute encoders (Renishaw). The primary mirror of the telescope is from Alluna Optics (Germany), the secondary mirror is from Orion Optics (England). The control system of the direct-drive mount is SiTech Force One (Sidereal Technology, USA). The telescope is mounted with a CMOS camera of Czech manufacturer MoravskĂ© PĹ™Ăstroje a.s., namely type C3-61000 PRO, monochromatic, with a highly sensitive Back Side Illuminated (BSI) sensor, with a filter wheel of 7 positions of 50x50mm, equipped with L,B,V,R,I,Ha,OIII filters and with off-axis guider. The entire system, including the dome, is ASCOM compatible and remotely controllable using the N.I.N.A. software or any other observatory management software package. The telescope is intended for professional astronomical observations and measurements by students and staff of the Institute of Physics of the Silesian University in Opava.                     Â
Offer description:
Via website, public observation, remote astronomical observations.
Contact Form
“This service is part of a much larger catalogue that we have at your disposal. If you would like to make an enquiry about this particular service, or any related service, please fill in the contact form on our website“.