STARS EU opens a call for proposing courses and lectures

STARS EU opens a call for proposing courses and lectures

The alliance opens a call to all professors and teachers of partner universities of STARS EU to submit proposals for a course for a STARS EU – Lecture Series for the Winter semester 2023/2024 on multidisciplinary topics.

Participation is explicitly open to all disciplines, economics and social sciences, architecture, engineering and natural sciences, especially with regard to cooperation and projects with the respective regions of the universities.

Participants of the STARS EU TIGS (thematic interest groups) are particularly addressed.

The course should be part of your normal study offer of the respective higher education institutions, out of which a single course is offered to students, teachers, professors and researchers of all STARS EU partners.

It is important that all partner universities participate with a contribution and in order to achieve a high dissemination, an invitation from your network partners and policy makers is desirable.

The event format can be physical, hybrid or digital.

Applications are open from 1 July 2023 and the deadline for applications is 15 September 2023.

Please send your application informally by e-mail to the respective Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching at your university