The future of European Universities discussed in Cracow

The future of European Universities discussed in Cracow

Cracow University of Technology took part in the 2nd…

Group picture of those involved at the Staff Week which took place last week at Bremen.

First STARS EU Blended Intensive Programmes start and Staff Week at HSB

A successful week full of work and meetings at the…

In the photo, the employees of the CUT's Marketing Department plant tulip bulbs; in the spring, the flowers will form the STARS EU logo/ photo by Jan Zych

Dutch tulips will bloom at the Cracow University of Technology

The STARS EU logo will bloom also in Poland!

Steering Comitee meeting at Cracow on January 2023.

STARS EU Alliance finalises in Crakow the details of the proposal to the European Commission

STARS EU Steering Comitee met at Cracow to finalise its…