Catalogue of Services

Institute of Computer Science FPS SUO

Silesian University in Opava (Czechia)

Applied Management Research Unit (UNIAG) – IPB

Bragança Polytechnic University (Portugal)

Genomics and Health (GESALUD) – ULL

University of La Laguna (Spain)

Migrations (MIGRA) – ULL

University of La Laguna (Spain)

Centre of Teaching and Learning – HUAS

Hanze University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Web and mobile applications development (UAMD)

Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës (Albania)

Physical Fitness Assessment in Youth Athletes

Bragança Polytechnic University (Portugal)

Development and Competence of Industry 4.0- CUT

Cracow University of Technology (Poland)

Research Centre Biobased Economy – HUAS

Hanze University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Environmental monitoring SUO

Silesian University in Opava (Czechia)

Nanomaterials and physical chemistry-CUT

Cracow University of Technology (Poland)

Legal Clinic AMU

Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës (Albania)