First STARS EU Blended Intensive Programmes start and Staff Week at HSB

Group picture of those involved at the Staff Week which took place last week at Bremen.
Group picture of those involved at the Staff Week which took place last week at Bremen.

The three projects at a glance:

  • “Startup Blended Intensive Programme”, School of International Business with Stephan Form together with the University of La Laguna (Spain), Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal), University West (Sweden) and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences at Groningen (Netherlands)
  • “Sustainable Urban Building Intervention”, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering with Maria Clarke (Architecture) and Thomas Rauscher (Civil Engineering), together with the Polytechnic Institute Bragança (Portugal) and Cracow University of Technology (Poland).
  • “Embedded Systems for Mobile Robots”, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, under the responsibility of Martin Hering-Bertram and supported by Sören Peik, together with the Polytechnic Institute Bragança (Portugal) and the Hanze University of Applied Scioences (Netherlands).

In all projects, the students initially start  in online groups and work together on preparatory tasks. In the projects from the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a total of 15 students from each of the partner universities will come to Bremen for a week later in the semester to work on the practical part of their module and prepare the final presentation.

The practical part of the project of the School of International Business will take place at Groningen with the participation of a total of 25 students from the partner universities involved in these BIP.

The projects are worth six credits. Lecturers from all participating universities are involved with their own contributions and in supervising the group work.